Exploring Circular Economy Innovations with CIST East Africa Limited

Circular economy
CIST East Africa

Circular Economy Catalyst's implementing partner in Kenya, Loopworks Ventures, provides business support advisory services. Loopworks Ventures recently visited CIST East Africa Limited in a collaborative effort to promote sustainable solutions and drive positive change. 

As recipients of the grant from CEC, this promising enterprise will be able to acquire machinery in order to optimise their production. CIST East Africa Limited, a participant in the Catalyser programme and grant winners, has been recognised for their innovative approach to addressing energy poverty and promoting circular economy, particularly in serving low-income communities using the ATM model.

CIST East Africa

Understanding CIST East Africa Limited's Mission 

Founded in 2020, CIST East Africa Industries Ltd stands as a beacon of innovation in the biotech manufacturing sector. Committed to eradicating energy poverty in low-income households, the company specialises in producing ethanol cooking fuel derived from waste materials, including water hyacinth. By converting these waste materials into 95% ethanol fuel, CIST Africa not only addresses environmental challenges but also upholds the principles of the circular economy.

During the visit, CEC partners engaged in constructive discussions with CIST East Africa Limited to gain insights into their business model and operations. The focus of the dialogue was to explore avenues for enhancing the circular economy business model and identifying opportunities for collaboration and growth. Through this exchange, both aimed to leverage their expertise and resources to foster sustainable development and create lasting impact.

Facing Challenges and Opportunities with Innovative Solutions

As part of the discussion, Loopworks Ventures sought to understand the challenges and opportunities faced by CIST East Africa Limited in their journey towards promoting clean cooking fuel and advancing the circular economy. By identifying key areas for improvement and innovation, both organisations are better positioned to overcome obstacles and capitalise on emerging opportunities in the market.

CIST East Africa Limited manufactures innovative products, including the Safi ethanol cook stove. This non-pressurised ethanol stove not only provides a safe and efficient cooking solution but also incorporates sustainable design principles. By retaining liquid ethanol fuel in a manner that prevents spilling, leaking, fires, and explosions, the Safi ethanol cook stove exemplifies the company's commitment to safety, quality, and environmental responsibility.

Looking Towards the Future 

As CEC continues to support initiatives that promote circular economy and sustainable development, the visit to CIST East Africa Limited serves as a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation. By working together, both organisations are poised to make a meaningful impact on the lives of communities while advancing the principles of the circular economy.

The partnership between adelphi’s Circular Economy Catalyst, Loopworks Ventures and CIST East Africa Limited represents a shared commitment to driving positive change and creating a more sustainable future. As we continue to explore opportunities for collaboration and innovation, both organisations are determined to play a pivotal role in promoting clean energy solutions, eradicating energy poverty, and advancing circular economy in Kenya and beyond.